Welcome to St. John's Church of Turnersville. You belong here.


Growing together.

Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.

The St. John's Youth Ministry exists to ignite a love for God and a love for others in the hearts of students.
6th-12th graders regardless of church affiliation or background.  There are a number of different opportunities for students to take advantage of within the Student Ministry.   
Register for upcoming Delanco Camp Youth Retreats!
Applications are now being accepted for St. John’s Scholarships. Please submit Online applications by July 1st.
The St John’s Scholarship Fund consists solely of donations and the amount we can give each student is based on the total amount in the fund. If you would like to bless our students who choose to continue their Christian education you can send a donation to St. John’s, clearly marked for the Scholarship Fund.

Youth Nights & Events

Wednesday Nights

6:30 PM to 8:00 PM - meets at Youth Building
All 6th through 12th graders are welcome to come out as we spend time getting to know one another and learning more about how the Bible applies to our lives. Wednesday nights are a great first entry point into youth group! On top of our weekly fun and games we celebrate all different holidays such as a Christmas party, Shamrock Shakes for St. Patrick’s Day and loads of candy for Valentine’s Day. If you are looking to plug your child into youth group this is the easiest way! 

Youth Week

Last week in June (or during Bible School week)
Each year, our youth volunteer during the day at Vacation Bible School and then have afternoon activities, like bowling, mini golf, and swimming. Then, in the evenings- it's a time of worship and learning together.

Retreats & Camp

Youth will attend several retreat weekends- sometimes just senior high and just junior high and sometimes, we get everyone together for a weekend of fun, connections, time in scripture and worship. Summer is full of opportunities to go to a summer camp. Many of our youth and leaders are involved at Delanco Camp

Mission Trips

Each year we take our youth group on a mission trip to spend a week serving others. This year we have been called to serve in Pittsburgh, PA.  We do all different types of work such as construction, feeding the homeless, volunteering at a women’s shelter and running a children’s VBS. This gives our youth an opportunity to step back and serve as God has commanded us to. 

Small Groups

Get Connected. Go Deeper.

We gather in groups to go further into God's word but also to apply it to our lives. Groups work to connect people as they share joys and struggles. Youth groups meet at various times and on Wednesday evenings.