Welcome to St. John's Church of Turnersville. You belong here.

I'm New

St. John's is a community of imperfect people who love a PERFECT God. We connect through Sunday Worship services, Small Groups, prayer groups, Youth, Hilltop Jr. Youth, Kids Clubs, fun events and so much more.


8:30 am Traditional Service in our Sanctuary
10:30 am Contemporary Service in our Family Life Center

Children's Church & Nursery are available during each service.

What To Expect

A typical service will last about 60 minutes with music, prayer, a message and fellowship time.
Jeans, shorts, dresses, or your favorite Hawaiian shirt, there is not a dress code to attend our services.
Our 8:30 AM traditional service has a nice blend of hymns with a occasionally more contemporary songs & our choir will sing on various weeks.
Our 10:30 AM contemporary service has contemporary that is led by our worship team.
There is childcare, in our Nursery, available and Children's Church for children Pre-k through 5th grade.
We brew Starbucks & Dunkin' coffee between services.
Communion is traditionally served on the first Sunday of each month. There are no requirements to be a St. John's Member in order to receive communion. All are welcome.
Nursery is available during both services.  And our 10:30 AM Service also has a Quiet Room which overlooks the Family Life Center (FLC), where that service is held and audio is piped into that space.

Plan a visit

Fill out this form to let us know when you may visit. We will be sure to have someone ready to greet you, take you to check in any children, find seats,  and be a friendly & welcoming face in a new surrounding.