Thank you for joining us in-person or online for worship, came to a Pizza with the Pastor lunch or maybe you follow us on social media. Either way, we are all one church and we want to be in community with you. So, what is next?

Going Deeper
Going to church is great. Believing there is a God is good. Putting your life in Jesus’ hands is a commitment and one that will forever change your world. This commitment is more than reciting a prayer, it is a daily priority focus. Let’s talk about what that looks like. Click HERE to begin that conversation with someone today.

Let's Connect
St. John’s sends out weekly emails with many ways to become more involved, updates to know, groups & events, as well as important updates. This was especially important over this last season as we had to shift from in-person to online to a mix of both or outside services. Our website and emails work hard to keep you informed.
Small Groups
What is a group? Groups are weekly or bi-weekly meetings where community, connections, Bible study, laughter, friendship, prayer and care happen. Studies may be topical, like making good decisions, marriage, grief or in depth studies throughout books of the Bible. Click HERE for group options.