Welcome to St. John's Church of Turnersville. You belong here.
Our new formal name will be St. John's Church of Turnersville, Inc.
September 27, 2023
As our leadership is finalizing the remaining details of disaffiliation from the United Methodist Conference,  many questions  still exist & some that are still being worked out. While our basic framework has been “nothing changes but the name,” the reality is that there are some changes, additions, adjustments, etc.
Over the next few months, we will be attempting to address these four key areas:
  • Theology
  • Leadership and Structure
  • Membership
  • Finances
You are always welcome to contact either our pastoral staff or our church leadership with your questions.  The office can best direct your call so reach out to 856-227-6567 or fill out the form below. 
Because we are forming a new church, we are asking you to fill out the form below or use the paper form to either become a member (if you are already not a current member of St. John's UMC) or to transfer your St. John's UMC membership to St. John's Church. Should you have questions, feel free to let us know using the button below. Thank you!