Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
St. John's has a vibrant & active support system for our global missionaries. Some have grown out of our church and all have grown into our hearts. We support them through prayer, financial support and physical help through special events and mission trips.

Summit Youth goes on a mission trip every summer.
Feed My Sheep goes into the Camden community each Sunday with a meal, some conversation and connection.
Find them at St. Augustine's Episcopal Church 525 Royden St. Camden , NJ 08013 from 1-3pm each Sunday.
Find them at St. Augustine's Episcopal Church 525 Royden St. Camden , NJ 08013 from 1-3pm each Sunday.
Active Missionaries
As a teen, Valerie Lunsford (Hansel) was an active member of our St. John's Youth Group. The Lunsfords have been serving the Lord with Wycliffe Bible Translators for over 20 years and have lived in West Asia for 17 years. For many years they lived and worked in one country. Now their focus has broadened to two countries, and a third, where they live. They ask for prayers for peace to be restored in West Asia as they meet with leaders and fieldworkers who have faced some very significant crises over the past year.
As a teen, Valerie Lunsford (Hansel) was an active member of our St. John's Youth Group. The Lunsfords have been serving the Lord with Wycliffe Bible Translators for over 20 years and have lived in West Asia for 17 years. For many years they lived and worked in one country. Now their focus has broadened to two countries, and a third, where they live. They ask for prayers for peace to be restored in West Asia as they meet with leaders and fieldworkers who have faced some very significant crises over the past year.
Local Missions
KIDS ALLEY is the main program of One Accord Inc., a nonprofit ethics-based organization reaching out to inner-city children and their families with weekly programs. Kids Alley has been reaching out to children in Camden, NJ since 1998 with a mission and a vision.
St. John's Church Social Concerns Pantry- if you are in need of food and live locally to St. John's, call us at 856-227-6567 to get more information on our food pantry.
Are you in a position to donate food? We gladly accept donations of canned goods, pantry products, snacks, paper products, soaps, deodorants, body wash, condiments, etc. Not sure what to donate? Give us a call!
St. John's Church Social Concerns Pantry- if you are in need of food and live locally to St. John's, call us at 856-227-6567 to get more information on our food pantry.
Are you in a position to donate food? We gladly accept donations of canned goods, pantry products, snacks, paper products, soaps, deodorants, body wash, condiments, etc. Not sure what to donate? Give us a call!