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What Can You Do?

By Tina Yerkes
Zacchaeus was a tax collector. That position was feared, hated, looked down upon. When he entered the room, he was the person that everyone avoided. Have you ever met someone that fits that description?
Jesus happened to be in his town. All Zacchaeus wanted was to see Jesus. Like everyone else in the crowd, he was there to catch a glimpse of this man that everyone was talking about. The crowds were big that day and the disciples, Jesus’ chosen followers, were with Jesus and there to protect Him from the masses. Zacchaeus tried to squeeze in, move through, jump up and down, all to see Jesus and was not able. So, he did what he could do. He climbed a tree. And Jesus saw him. 
Throughout the massive crowd, Jesus saw Zacchaeus. And spoke to him. And basically, invited himself over for dinner! I was listening to Pastor Larry Weathers II this week and he really opened up this passage for me. He said, “The people closest to Jesus didn’t allow Zacchaeus to get close to Him. He had to climb a tree.” We need to ask ourselves the hard question, ‘Are we the reason someone is not seeing Jesus?’
Need to talk more about this? Message me. Let’s walk through this together. I’m with you in this. How can our church, and church family, get out of our own way so our family, friends, neighbors, co-workers and strangers can see Jesus?
Dear Lord, help me to open my eyes to see You first, to listen to Your words and then to put them in action. If I am in the way of someone else, please help me to step back, help me to guide them closer to You and walk with them in this amazing journey You have set us on. Thank you that You speak to us and know us. Help us to be in the right place at the right time for someone else to know You too. Amen.

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