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Just Be Still

By Margie Van Mater

I’m sure I can safely say that many if not most of us have struggled with the feeling of being out of control over the past year. Whether it was navigating on-line learning, dealing with the loss of a job, being isolated from or losing loved ones, or having to reschedule major life events, the pandemic showed us all that we are never truly in control.
My whole life, I have struggled with trying to be in control. I always volunteered to be involved in anything my kids were doing or to lead a project at work. I planned all the family activities and always made the decisions like what gifts to buy or what kind of birthday parties the kids should have. Nothing was ever a surprise to me and if I’m honest it was because I always felt I was the only one that could do it right.
One day God decided that I needed a reality check. Many years ago, my daughter had been involved with a young man and she had found out he was addicted to drugs. Her heart was crushed. She was torn between showing kindness towards him in his time of need and walking away from a bad influence. As a parent I was proud of her devotion and terrified for her safety all at the same time. My mind was frantic and chaotic trying to “control” the situation and help my child make the right decision. It was then that God showed me the scripture from Psalm 46:10 “BE STILL … and know that I AM GOD” and that’s how I received it, in all caps. God wanted me to STOP. Stop trying to control this and every other situation that I had no business carrying the burden or responsibility for. This was His fight and He had this.
Although Galatians 5:22-23 shows us that self-control is a fruit of the spirit, being IN control is for God alone. There is a peace unlike any other when we submit our control to God. We were never meant to carry all the burdens of this world as parents, family, friends or even coworkers.
Heavenly Father, thank you for always being in control so that we don’t have to be. Teach us to Be Still and listen for your voice when life seems too much for us to bear. You ARE God and always the way through the darkness. Amen.

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