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Love is a Verb

By Mike Bill
Jesus said, “By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:35)
Yesterday I had the privilege of standing alongside 14 other pastors as we gathered outside for a time of prayer. We centered our time around John 17:20-23, and most of us had preached on that text in our morning services. The idea was that God is glorified and made visible to the world when we stand in unity and oneness. 
Earlier in John 13 (in the same setting as John 17 takes place), Jesus reminded the disciples again that love is the primary evidence of the existence of God, the goodness of God, and whether or not we belong to God. In fact, Jesus had just finished washing the feet of the disciples—a job normally given to the person of lowest status in the room—and now made that act of service the background for His final instructions to His disciples and friends.
Love is demonstrated.
Love is others-oriented.
Love is action-centered.
Many of us feel isolated and cut off from how we can serve and make a difference in our world. In addition, this is a very troubling and divisive time. I believe that now, perhaps more than ever, we must make take tangible steps of love and service and unity.
This week I want to invite you to consider joining us in one such endeavor.
In short, we would like provide the entire teaching staff (perhaps the entire staff of the public school system) at Washington Township Public Schools with a $ 5 Wawa gift card. This gift is small, but serves as a tangible reminder that we CARE…that we are FOR OUR COMMUNITY…and that our lives and faith exists to MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN OTHERS.  We do not think that $5 changes the world…but it might be an encouragement, it may provide for a specific need, or it might just bring a smile to someone’s face.
The end goal is not for people to say “Wow, St. John’s is awesome” but instead to perhaps consider the greatness of our God and to know that we stand together as a community during difficult and uncertain days.  If you would like to give, you can use this LINK  to a Push Pay campaign (a campaign is simply a short-term giving initiative we can setup in Push Pay) or you can give through your normal login information.  You can also send in or drop off cash or a check.
If you don’t want to participate in this project, that’s ok. But find some other way to serve, to love, and to invest in someone else this week. The world will know we belong to Him when they see us actively loving one another!

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