Experience Easter - Day 5

Tina Yerkes, Director of Communications

Then Jesus went with them to the olive grove called Gethsemane, and he said, “Sit here while I go over there to pray.” He took Peter and Zebedee’s two sons, James and John, and he became anguished and distressed. He told them, “My soul is crushed with grief to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.”    Matt. 26: 36-38  NLT            
When I think of Jesus, as a human, it is hard to comprehend. He is God. He is all powerful, all knowing, all loving. And yet, he was also, all human. His time of prayer with James, John & Peter was full of anguish, pain, agony and frustration.
Jesus took 3 of his closest companions because He needed them with Him during that moment. They should have been honored and thrilled for time alone with the Master. There were always so many people around Jesus, all needing his time, His full attention. But Jesus needed time alone to be with God because He knew what was coming.
For me, the unknown is one of the scariest things. However, I don’t know how I would react, if I knew my death was impending in a most horrific way. I think that might be worse than not knowing at all. And that is exactly what Jesus knew. He knew what was about to happen and his brothers in faith kept falling asleep when Jesus needed them most. Look at Matthew’s phrasing, “crushed with grief to the point of death”.

This is not a light-hearted or even a little tearful prayer. Have you ever felt crushed to point of death? Jesus did. We see how human Jesus is. He felt every heartache, every sin, the weight of grief & anguish, and frustration with those closest to Him. It’s all there and so very real.
As you are gathering the items for this evening, your communion bread & juice, remember the preparations that Jesus was making, even in the garden. Before Jesus could take on the events in the hours ahead, it was imperative to go to His Father in prayer and give over all those real feelings, fears and worries.
Have you gone to God with the areas of your life that cause you anguish? How would your days look if you were able to give those areas over to the only One who can handle it?
READ THE FULL PASSAGE Matthew  26:36-56

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