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Experience Easter - Day 2

Welcome to day 2 of our “Experience Easter” journey. Yesterday was about two dominant images:
  1. The Palm…hopefully you were able to stop by and pick up your palms!
  2. A song…we invited you to think and reflect on some of the great music that proclaims the death and resurrection of Jesus. Share those with us…would love to hear from you.

For me there are so many, but I was reflecting today on the 3rd verse from “There is a Fountain Filled with Blood”…E’er since by faith I saw the stream, Thy flowing wounds supply,
Redeeming love has been my theme, And shall be till I die:
And shall be till I die, And shall be till I die;
Redeeming love has been my theme, And shall be till I die.

Today’s item is a piece of purple cloth or fabric. Find something in the house that is purple. For some of you that is easy (fans of the musical artist Prince perhaps!) and for others, that is extremely difficult! But purple reminds us of two realities of Holy Week: 1) That Jesus is King, and 2) that they mocked Him and placed a purple robe on Him on Friday morning.

Purple was the color of royalty and power. The dyeing of cloth was a complicated and often expensive undertaking, and purple was one of the more difficult. Thus, purple clothing in the first century was almost like us wearing gold or diamonds! Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem reminds us that He is King, He is Messiah, He is Lord. The crowd had an incomplete understanding of who He was and so shouts of “Hosanna” become shouts of “Crucify” by the end of the week.

Do you know, it is still possible to misinterpret God’s working in our lives. We get fixated on our own understanding and expectations and can miss His plan. But even more than missing His plan, we miss Him. It’s as if we take the purple robe off of Jesus and place it onto our own ideas, expectations, hopes, and plans. His Lordship in our lives can become conditional, based on whether or not He meets our expectations.

Don’t do it! Don’t fall into the trap! Don’t miss Him in the midst of the things you expect Him to do inside of your life.

If He is Lord, then He is Lord of ALL…If He is Lord, then He is Lord of ALL THINGS…If He is Lord, then He is Lord AT ALL TIMES!

Worship Christ the Lord today! He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords! He is worthy of your allegiance and devotion.

His hands are steady, His will is sovereign, and His grace is unmatched!

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