Welcome to St. John's Church of Turnersville. You belong here.

The Great Invitation - Easter Invites 2024

Use some or all of these social media tools to invite your family, friends, followers and people who you knew 20 years ago and somehow you have stayed online friends.
Instagram & Facebook Reels, Facebook & Instagram posts, wording to go with your posts, sermon clips, links and Text Message wording.
Use your desktop or laptop to post or open this page up on your phone and download videos & images to easily post from the palm of your hand.
Got Questions? Contact Tina 
The easiest way to share on social media is to take our posts and hit share. You can still use the wording below or feel free to make it your own. Click that share and invite someone today!
"Most people today, probably if we were to
survey this room, you are in church because somebody invited you. Now maybe you didn't respond to the first invitation or the second invitation. Maybe it was even three months after somebody invited you that you finally said 'you know what? Maybe I should check out this church thing or this God thing.'
80% of people would be open to attending church if someone cared enough and took the initiative to invite them. And we want to be an invitational people
~ Mike Bill, St. John's Church Senior Pastor
Helpful Hints:
  • Click image or video on your device. 
  • Click X and the page with the URL and the icon to SHARE will appear. Click the share, looks like a box with an up arrow.
  • Share to Facebook or Instagram with your message in the body of the post.

Facebook Post or Text Message image

Facebook post: Easter is a season filled with HOPE. If you don't have a church or haven't been in a long time or ever,  I want to invite you to come to church with me. Message me and we can work out the details. Check out our services on our YouTube channel or here on Facebook. Hope you will consider joining me
YouTube Link: 
Text Message wording: Hey (fill in the name), just reaching out to invite you to come with me to church this Easter Season. I'll be going this Sunday at (fill in your service choice) and I can meet you there or pick you up. Would you be interested in coming with me?

Full Sermon Clip

Facebook/Instagram Reel

Download  this Reel onto your phone to share on your Facebook or Instagram

Short Sermon Clip

Instagram Post or Text Message Image

Instagram post: Easter is a season filled with HOPE. If you don't have a church or haven't been in a long time or ever,  I want to invite you to come to church with me. Message me and we can work out the details. Check out our services on our St. John's YouTube channel. Hope you will consider joining me.
Tag post with our profile:  @st.johnschurch.nj