Welcome to St. John's Church of Turnersville. You belong here.
149 Ganttown Rd. Turnersville, NJ 08012
It’s not wishful thinking.... Hope sustains you. Hope moves you forward. Hope keeps you going as you go through hardships and uncertainty. And this Easter at St. John’s Church, HOPE is truly ALIVE! And hope is the very heart of the Easter message. God loved you so much that over 2000 years ago, He gave us His Son so that we may have eternal life and extravagant HOPE. 

Join us this Easter to hear more about the extravagant hope available to us through the gift of Jesus Christ.

Each Sunday at St. John's

8:30 & 10:30 AM
Children's Church & Nursery available at each service
Gemstones group meets following 8:30 AM service for message discussion and prayer.

Easter Jam
April  9   10:00 AM

Take a break from dyeing eggs and stuffing baskets with candy to join us for an unforgettable Easter experience complete with fun, games, and music!

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday

April 13     8:30 & 10:30 AM
Sunday morning Worship Services
Palm Sunday begins the last week of Jesus' earthly ministry. 
Nursery will be provided for infant through 4 year olds. 

Holy Thursday

April 17  7:00 PM
Holy Thursday helps us to remember the day before Jesus offered Himself to be crucified on a cross, a fate that He didn't deserve. Jesus was fully God and fully man. He knew that His earthly ministry was coming to a close. Join us for a reflective time of worship, prayer & music.
Nursery will be provided for infant through 4 year olds. 

Good Friday Breakfast & Devotions

April 18    8:00 AM
Good Friday commemorates all that Jesus gave for each and every one of us. This morning is a bit of a time of celebration with breakfast as well as a  time of worship and reflection & thanksgiving.

Sunrise Service

April 20   6:30 AM @ Duffield's Farm
This service, held outside, at sunrise is a beautiful way to begin Easter celebrations.
280 Chapel Heights Rd. Sewell, NJ 08080
Join us outside, bring a chair and maybe a blanket, for a time of worship, joy & a message.
Coffee, Bagels,  Donuts & Hot Chocolate will be served.

Easter Services

April 20    8:30 AM & 10:30 AM
Nursery will be provided at each service but there will not be Children's Church. Families are all welcome in our services and should you need a quiet space, we have our Quiet Room available with full view and sound for our 10:30 AM service.

Where do I enter the church?

Lots of doors here at St. John's! If you parked in the Main lot, use the 2 blue double doors. If you parked in the Handicap Accessible lot, use the double door entrance-closest to the Sanctuary. If you parked in the FLC lot, walk towards the building and enter the courtyard- you will see glass doors which bring you to our FLC lobby.

Where do I park?

St. John's has 3 parking lots. Main lot on Ganttown Rd (near playground), Handicap Accessible lot on Ganttown Rd (small lot between house and Sanctuary) and FLC lot behind the church (use the driveway in the Main lot to access this lot)

What do you have for the kids?

Other than Easter,  we have nursery and Children's Church during our services.  Both are fun spots for children to play, have a lesson and sometimes a snack. On Easter, we do provide Nursery as well as our Quiet Room with full view  & sound of the 10:30 service. 

Do I have to give an offering?

Offering is not required to be given. Offering is just that, it is a gift. We do have a time of offering during our services as well as online options to give.

Is there a dress code?

Jesus says, "Come". Come as you are or come in your finest. On Easter Sunday,  sometimes people will dress up a bit more but it is certainly not a requirement. 

What is a Sunrise Service?

Our 6:30 AM Sunrise Service takes place at Duffield's Farm, 280 Chapel Heights Rd, Sewell. Bring a chair & dress warmly. We do provide coffee, bagels and donuts. It is a beautiful way to begin the celebration of Easter with a time of worship and a message.