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Time to Celebrate

By Mike Bill
What are you celebrating today?
It’s a question I was challenged with about a month ago through a podcast.
I’ve asked it at the end of each day ever since (I admit, some nights I fell asleep 3 seconds after I asked it of myself!)
I shared it with our congregation two weeks ago as a part of the message.
I asked it of our staff this past week during staff meeting.
I’m not sure why some statements, questions, or insights hit me more than others.  Sometimes it’s brand new, “earth shattering” information.  Sometimes it awakens a part of my mind or heart that was previously hard or disengaged.  Or sometimes I think that the perfect insight comes along at a time and place my life where I need it the most…and it sticks!
 Most people are not celebrating right now.
Controversy, frustration, disagreements…Yes, all around me
Trying to get back into a routine…Yes, for sure
Worries, fears, and anxieties…Certainly, so much seems uncertain
Busy, consumed, trying to keep up…Definitely sounds like much of my life
But celebration is important.  Taking the time to reflect, give thanks, and smile does a couple of things in my life:
It reminds me that God is in control, indeed still “on the throne” of my life and of this entire world.
  1. It reminds me that it’s not ALL bad! The struggles are loud; the joys are often soft and able to be missed.
  2. It reminds me that the horizon is bright for me, even if the road right in front of me is hard.
  3. It reminds me that God was there in the events of today, even if I didn’t take the time to notice.
So today, not tomorrow, not next week, TODAY, what can and will you take time to be thankful for, happy about, and celebrate?
God is good, all the time…and all the time, God is good!

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