The God Who Relates

By Mike Bill
“It’s all about who you know…”
You may have used that phrase as a positive affirmation of networking and close friendships…you may have used it negatively to explain why you got passed over for something because of the relationship you did not have. But beyond the abuses of nepotism, favoritism, and our tendency to surround ourselves with people just like us, there is a fundamental truth we know quite well:
 Life is all about relationships!
God is Trinity. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in a relationship of mutual love and respect, each seeking to exalt the other 2 persons.
You are created for relationship. With God. With family. With friends. With God’s purpose and mission for your life.
Life is marked by people and even the events and transitions in our lives center around people.
Here’s my next 18 hours:
 --Officiating the wedding of my older brother.
 --Celebrating my 22nd wedding anniversary.
 --Packing the car and sending my oldest off to college.
 --Celebrating the 100th birthday of a member of our church.
 --(and I’ll add writing an email devotional to hundreds of my closest friends!)
Whether you are introverted or extroverted; work alone or in a crowded office; have no kids or 10 kids…I would bet that the quality of your life is most determined by the quality of your relationships.
As we continue through our study of the 10 Commandments, keep this in mind. Our tendency is to think of them as 10 statements on a stone tablet…it doesn’t get any less relational than rules on stone from a God you cannot see. But when we zoom in, we realize that these statements are an invitation into relationship and an instructional manual for how life and relationships work best.
Love the difficult.
Care for the hurting.
Refuse to become isolated.
It’s all about who you know!

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