*Please sign in children at lobby tablet and print nametag
Infants through Pre-K 3:  Nursery Care from 6:50-8:00pm (Room 111)
Pre-K 4 (Age 4 by 10/1/24): Kids' Club 7-8pm
Elementary K-5: Kids' Club 6:30-8pm
Kids' Club K-5
  • 6:25 pm Meet at Lobby Ramp
  • 6:30-6:50pm Worship time in basement

Kids' Club Small Groups 7-8pm will be broken into following age groupings: *Please have guardian receipt for pickup
  • Pre-K 4 through 2nd Grade (Room 113 or 115 Pickup)
  • 3rd-5th Grade (Small Group in Basement: Pickup will be at Lobby Ramp)