Backyard BBQ's are a GREAT way to have some people over to your home, in a relaxed setting, and enjoy food and company. 
  • As HOST, you let us know what date & time you can host. It is completely up to you and what works for your calendar. 
    • Please select a date between July 21- August 10
  • Let us know how many people you can host and if you are family-friendly (ok with kids coming). 
  • In June, we will post all Host locations (date/time/# of guests) and people will sign up to attend. Attendees will designate whether they are bring a side dish or a dessert. 
  • If you have a pool, please let us know if that is an option for you & your guests. 
Any questions, please contact Tina, in the church office, at 856-227-6567 or
Please fill out all mandatory fields, as the form will not submit unless all fields are filled out. Thank you!