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It is Good Friday

By Mike Bill
Those who stayed…those who got distracted…those who left…
Today is Good Friday.  It marks a day that begins with an unfair trial, mockery, beating, and rejection for Jesus.  Next there is the journey to Golgatha, already weakened and now also carrying the piece of wood upon which He would be killed.  Finally, there was the three hours He hung, nailed to a cross. 
There is no shortage of things we can and should think about on Good Friday.  The events themselves.  The characters that play a part in what takes place.  The criminals on either side of Jesus.  Jesus’ seven statements made from the cross.  The earthquake.  The veil being torn.  The proclamation of the centurion.  The love and devotion of Jesus.  The love and pain His heavenly Father would feel.  So much takes place inside of these hours on Friday. 
But I merely want to remind you of the three categories we discussed at the end of Palm Sunday.  Such a large crowd gathered in excitement and anticipation, shouting “Hosanna!  Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.”  And yet that unified crowd quickly splits into three categories. 
  1. Those who Stayed
  2. Those who got Distracted
  3. Those who Left
Where are you today?  At the foot of the cross?  Standing in the shadows?  Or on the way out of town?  If you are reading this, you ae probably not in the last category…though, there are elements in all of our lives that are odds with Jesus’ plan and will for our lives…so don’t assume you are always one who stays! 
The amazing thing about grace…about the cross…about Jesus’ atoning sacrifice for our sins is that it doesn’t matter.  Jesus’ death was as much for the person who scoffed and mocked Jesus as it was for John the Beloved who stayed close.  No one is more deserving that another.  No one is more in need of His grace than another. 
Today, be reminded that the most important part of your faith has nothing to do with what you’ve done, the strengths or weaknesses you bring, your best moments or your worst moments.  We all need the cross.  We all are offered the cross.  He died for all…that all might be made right with Him.
Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast, Save in the death of Christ my God!  (When I survey the Wondrous Cross) 
Today is for you…It is Good Friday!

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