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Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign

By Lani Cole-Mitchell
“The cross has the final word.
Sorrow may come in the darkest night
But the cross has the final word.” 
- Cody Carnes
As we get closer to celebrating Easter and the resurrection of Jesus, I am drawn back to the image and symbol of the cross. Most of us have crosses in our homes, or even as jewelry around our necks. An outward sign, that we believe in the power of the cross and its significant meaning. It’s more than just a symbol or sign, though, isn’t it? It’s also not just something to remember at Easter or during Lent, rather each and every day of our lives.
In that cross we find so much: grace, love, forgiveness, mercy, freedom joy at a place that was intended for death, shame, and scorn. “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” 1 Corinthians 1:18
How does that relate to our everyday lives? Well, for me, the cross is a daily reminder of the pain and suffering that Jesus endured to set me free from the sins I have committed or will commit during my time here on earth. The cross reminds me of the perfect sacrifice God sent to this earth because he loved us THAT MUCH. The physical pain that Jesus experienced, I can only imagine, was so unbearable. I picture his last breath on this earth….which helps me remember that each day is a precious gift and is one that is to be treasured and honored by trying to live Christ-like with all those I encounter - show kindness, show respect, give grace, be understanding, give a listening ear and have an empathetic heart - even if I don’t always agree with the other person.
Author Ann Voskamp puts this into a beautiful perspective in her book, “The Broken Way:”
Become cruciform. Like a cross. Transform. If it is true to become cruciform, to let your life become shaped like a cross, is to become more fully human - and most fully like Christ - then this is the work most urgent, most needed.”
Isn’t that the truth?! The work most needed in this chaotic world in which we live is to become “cruciform” and to live each day fully like Christ. The cross reminds me that just as I have been forgiven by the blood shed by Christ, I can now have the strength of Jesus to offer the same forgiveness to others. What an awesome gift!
An important part to remember is that God loves each and every one of us. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him, shall not perish, but have eternal life.” John 3:16 God’s love for us is deep and wide. God loves us NO MATTER WHAT. God sent his son to die for us.
I stumbled upon a devotion in my Bible app that encourages us to live each day with the cross in mind that embodies strength and renewal:
 - The cross is a place of equality for all people - I have a fair chance.
 - The cross is a place of revelation - I see the need for a savior.
 - The cross is a place of repentance - I see the need for a change of mind.
 - The cross is a place of assurance and redemption - Jesus paid the price.
 - The cross is a place of salvation - All things can be made new at the foot of the cross.
(Lisa Singh - Inspirations by Lisa)
I pray and encourage each of you to become “cruciform” and allow the significance of the cross to be with you daily as you allow the cross to become part of your daily walk and meditation. The Way of the Cross is the way to Jesus, our Savior. May the power of the cross and the freedom it brings to your life, live in you, through you and through your actions and words.

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