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The Cross Reveals Your Relationship

By Stephanie Faust
The Cross of Christ reveals everything. It tells us who we are, and it tells us who God is. It shows us what our sins have done to God and it shows us what God has done for you and me. “For the more we suffer for Christ, the more God will shower us with His comfort through Christ.” 2 Corinthians 1:5 NLT
Do you want to see how much you are truly worth? Look to the Cross.
If you suffer from emotional problems- depression, anger, anxiety, guilt, confusion- there is healing in the Cross of Christ. If you are going through tragedy or suffering, there is an abundance of comfort as you envision the emotional and physical sufferings of the faultless Savior. If you are weary, upset and discouraged when confronted with the same problems over and over again, remember Jesus persisted each time He fell with His cross on His journey so you too can have the strength to get up again. Christ assumed our nature and suffered for us. He was redeeming all of humanity. Undergoing pain, distress, hardship can be explained away intellectually, but the point is, only the Cross gives suffering actual meaning.
Jesus’ journey up to the place called Golgotha was not meant to be easy. Let us carry the Cross with our Lord. Is it easy? Absolutely not. Grace is free but it is not cheap. Suffering is hard. Carrying the Cross with our Lord is hard, but we have to remember one thing…. it is worth it! Keeping the Cross of Christ central is the means to a unique sharing in a relationship with Jesus. (Philippians 3:10)
Praise be Jesus!

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