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Great Cloud of Witnesses

By Bill Yerkes
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:1-2
A few years ago I went through a period of time where I was reading many books about leadership, and my “go to” author was John Maxwell. (By the way he should be your “go to” author for this subject.) He wrote a book called “Running with the Giants” centered on these verses in Hebrews. He paints this awesome picture of what it would be like to see this “cloud of witnesses” in the stands of the arena of life, cheering us on as we “run with perseverance” through life’s journey. John gives awesome biblical examples like Noah, Esther, Abraham, and David. Each one comes down from the stands to run a lap with us to give us encouragement and advice along the way. Their time with us is short, but their wisdom is worth every minute of our time spent with them. They have done life. They have journeyed through disappointment, uncertainty, grief, and fear. They can tell you something about where you are now and how easy it is to sometimes question your faith, and even question God during moments when we just do not understand His leading.
Each Biblical leader John mentions in the book comes with a specific focus on the advice they offer. Noah comes with the message that we can all make a difference. Think about what he was led to do. Think about the ridicule he would have endured for suggesting he could build a boat big enough to handle all of those animals, and be capable of housing his family as well. And how ridiculous to think this one boat would be the world’s largest lifeboat in order to save the human race. But that is exactly how God used his faithfulness in keeping with the task at hand. Noah proved that we can make a difference for others, and ultimately impact generations to come. The way we serve others and make impressions in the name of the Kingdom can cause a chain reaction continuing long beyond our days on this earth.
Our cloud of witnesses can also come in the form of people we have done life with. Grandparents, parents, Sunday School teachers, youth leaders, or even just close friends who made such a difference in our life. One of the reasons I get emotional every year on Christmas Eve as we sing Silent Night, is because for some reason, at that very moment, I always think of those who have gone before me who were so influential in my believing in the Messiah. And those people are my personal cloud of witnesses.
That great cloud has gained another member. Many of you remember Harry Stevenson, who pastored this church for several years before retiring in 1995. Harry passed away a couple of weeks ago, and we will be celebrating his life and ministry on Saturday, February 13th, here at St. Johns. Harry started his ministry in New Jersey in a little church in Gloucester City where I grew up. He was my first pastor, and a close family friend. The Stevenson and Yerkes families built a relationship that lasted through his ministry in all three of his NJ churches, Gloucester, Pennsville, and Turnersville, and continues today miles apart. Harry had has such an impact during his years of ministry, many of us can say we accepted Jesus with him, went through pre-marital counseling with him, were married by him, and had our children baptized by him. He made an impact reaching generations beyond his years. He is an example of what it means to make a difference.
One day all of us will join the cloud of witnesses. Think about the people in your life who may one day be able to look to you as the one who made a difference in their life. What is the impact you are making in the lives of those around you? How is your faith journey encouraging others to persevere or even begin their journey with Jesus? All of us have the potential of making a difference for the kingdom. The question is, what will we do with that potential?

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