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Life is a Journey

By Eddie Keith
Life is a journey, not a destination.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
It is amazing the journey we are on in this one life we are given. Today, as I reflect on my journey, not just the return journey from school and vacation, but the journey of my life until now; I find it incredible how often I am consumed with the destination. Even today, instead of enjoying the ride and seeing the sights, I wanted to just push through to make it home. What if I stopped for just a minute to allow God to do something amazing?
With that being said, I invite you to read Exodus 4-12. It is a familiar story for most. God tells Moses to go to Pharaoh and say “Let my people go” (Exodus 5:1 NIV). When Pharaoh refuses, God unleashes 10 plagues upon Egypt eventually leading to Israel’s freedom…..That’s the story…
What if you re-read it from Pharaoh’s perspective? Remember it’s about the journey. Exodus tells us that Pharaoh’s heart was “unyielding” and he “refuses to let the people go” (Exodus 7:14 NIV). With each plague Pharaoh gets a little more desperate. The last straw was during Passover and an exasperated Pharaoh can’t wait to be rid of Israel from his land.
What if he agreed when Moses asked the first time? Would the journey of Pharaoh been as meaningful? Would the power of Yahweh been as greatly revealed?
Pharaoh was so focused on the destination of keeping Israel, that I think he missed the journey.
How is your journey so far? Are you only worried about where you are trying to get to?
Life, faith, love…. It’s all part of the journey. Enjoy it!

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