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Life Together

By Mike Bill
We all know that life is relational. We know we need people. We know that who we are today is a direct result of the investment of other people inside of our lives. We know that we are called to be that same type of influence in the lives of other people.
We know this.
But it’s easy to let it slip.
Life gets busy. Relationships are complicated. Tasks demand attention, while relationships can wait another day or another week. And then, 2020 happens! All of our routines are disrupted. Suddenly the people we “do life with” are a bit more distant and harder to be around regularly.
The subtitle of the series is how to be the church when everything we know, expect, think of, and associate with the idea of “church” is different. This series is way more than a few sermons dedicated to the idea of relationships and what it means to be a part of the “Body of Christ.” Rather, we hope to go further and to provide some ways that we can actually do it…despite the limitations…how we can better be the church right where we are today.
Our world needs the Gospel now more than ever. Our culture needs to see a group of people who prioritize others above themselves. Your neighbors and co-workers deserve to know someone who genuinely cares for them regardless of whether you agree politically or not. Our society needs a picture of the church that is bigger than simply a belief system or a Sunday morning time slot. I believe now is the perfect time inside of our nation and world for the church to shine brightly. But to do this, we have to go way beyond believing the right things or simply praying for God’s will to be done…today is the time for the church of Jesus Christ to display love in action, community pursued, and truth lived out.
It’s a new year with all sorts of challenges…but I believe God does His best work in difficult times…and the church of Jesus Christ is at its best when it engages all of the complexities of life in a way that no other organization can…we represent Him and He is the one who lives and loves through us.

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