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By Lani Cole-Mitchell
2021 is here, friends!! A new calendar year. A new month. A time for change! There is something about the New Year that puts a little pep in my step. Maybe it’s my new planner or meal planning? Maybe it’s embracing the opportunity knowing 2020 was rough, and that this year holds the hope to be....different? Maybe it’s the faith I’m clinging on to that God is with us, with me, as we embark on a new year?
With optimism and an open mind and heart, I can honestly say that 2021 has surely proven to throw some curveballs already. On Monday morning, as I pulled into my parking spot at Old Pine, I found that I was unable to put my car in park or take the key out. The worst thoughts raced through my mind....transmission....new car?? After my wonderful husband rescued me and a stop at the mechanic, I was very lucky that it was simply a gear shift button that went bad. This series of events threw off what I was anticipating to be a great start to a fresh year and week.
I, admittedly, was upset. Disappointed. A little angry. I was very fortunate that my husband, Chuck, encouraged me in those moments and helped me realize that these things…..just happen. Instead of allowing those darker emotions to get the best of me, I took a deep breath and thanked God for a vehicle and a job to drive to. I thanked God for a safe ride to work and to the mechanic. What could have turned into a rough situation emotionally and spiritually simply didn’t.
I feel like we put too much pressure on ourselves for the start of a new year. There is so much emphasis on making this “the best year ever!” What if we don’t plan? What if we don’t make resolutions? What if, instead, we take action in our lives, by truly living each day as Christ has taught us?
Let me explain:
We live in a world that is constantly changing.
Pandemic. Politics. Employment. Relationships. There are too many to name.
Life is a bowl full of change! More often than not, change will come from out of nowhere, unexpectedly, and we have no control over it. We get upset by these changes. We argue with friends on social media because we don’t agree on change. We treat others with disrespect because of change. We allow the worst parts to shine through. We don’t see others for who God created them to be and allow negativity to take over.
Instead, when we are most frustrated, angry or hurt by others and change that we cannot control, what if we took a moment and asked ourselves the question that we were taught in Sunday school: “What would Jesus do?” WWJD!
When my car broke down and I feared the worst, WWJD? 
Jesus would remind me to trust God in all of this.
When the pandemic is out of hand and I’m tired of wearing masks and miss my friends, WWJD?
Jesus would remind me that God loves, heals, and that we are never alone.
When friends I respect make comments on social media that I do not agree with, WWJD?
Jesus would remind me to accept those I love, as he loves them, to not engage in conflict, meet them where they are and to be a good friend by showing respect and grace.
We are reminded of this in Paul’s letter to the Ephesians:
“Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as Christ God forgave you.”
- Ephesians 4:31-32
Change is not easy. It’s not meant to be. The beauty of change is that God continues to show up no matter what. God continues to meet us where we need him most. God continues to love us no matter where we have been and no matter what we have done. We are all his children, and he will never forsake us.
My prayer is that your heart and soul continues to desire and embrace change, healing and transformation.

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