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What is Next?

By Jack Broomell
As we close the chapter of 2020 a question that always comes up is “what is next?” as we look at the upcoming year of 2021. It happens every year, not just after a year like this one, we question what we could have done better and how we can prepare for what lies ahead. One of the most refreshing things I have done in 2020 was a deep dive into Acts, watching Paul lead by faith has been such an encouragement for me in my journey of faith. A big chapter for me was in Acts 27, we see Paul warn the sailors about setting sail as he had warned them about what might happen. Instead the centurion listened to the pilot of the ship instead of Paul and you can guess how that went.
As we see those events unfold at sea from verses 13-44 in chapter 27. In this story we see great detail about the storm, unlike other storms throughout the New Testament. What is so powerful about this story is it shows God’s dedication to us through how he handles Paul. In this story he has called Paul and he led him but in this story he protected him and coordinated every part of his safe passage despite the mistakes of others. Paul proclaims immediately that they will crash but no lives will be lost, only the ship will be broken. Paul took God at his word and followed it without question, even as the storm grew and the sailors doubted.
This is the attitude I want to have in the new year. Having other plans such as going to the gym, learning a new hobby, or whatever it might be are all nice but our goal should be to follow God’s plan and trust in Him just as Paul has done here. God is the author and the actor behind the scenes and it is important to remember that as we plan and hope for the future. Our biggest goal should be to trust in Him and walk in His light above all else. That is my hope for 2021.

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