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By Bill Yerkes
"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”  John 14:27
 The birth of Jesus was announced by the angels with “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace, goodwill toward men.” Jesus brought peace to the world, and He spoke of this peace as he was preparing for his departure. This was the moment right after He promised the gift of the Holy Spirit to be present in his absence. And as most did in the Jewish culture, Jesus was departing with a gesture of peace. But His peace was very different.
Scripture makes it clear the shepherds trembled at the presence of the host of angels. I can understand that! I am pretty certain such a scene would cause any of us to tremble. But the news the angels brought was something to celebrate. The disciples had many questions as they pondered the world without Jesus. He was using this moment to assure them peace was theirs for the taking. This peace comes only from Him. 
Jesus’ message to the disciples is the same for us today. He does not want us to be troubled and He does not want us to be afraid. He knows our hearts, and He knows when we desperately need His peace. As we celebrate His birth this Christmas season, our focus on the season may be clouded by our present conditions. God knows what we have been through and He knows the things that steal our peace. God is sovereign! He sent His Son to bring the peace we need. The peace of forgiveness for our sins and the promise of everlasting life. A peace that passes all understanding to carry us through dark moments and days of uncertainty. And a peace that promises His hand in our everyday lives that we might not fear but trust the Prince of Peace to reign in our hearts.
I pray each of you will find peace this Christmas. Peace in your relationships, in your homes, and especially in your hearts. Jesus brought peace into the world and He left it to the world that we might know Him and know peace. How His birth changed the world is something our world needs right now. Jesus should not just be the reason for your season, He should be the motivation for your celebration!  

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