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Who's the Boss?

By Heather Schuck
I’ve been in my new position about a month now. So I was incredibly surprised to be gathered in the office for prayer last Friday only to be given a bouquet of flowers and a “Boss’s Day” card. I actually had to stop and think for a minute and then it occurred to me, “Oh wait, I am the boss”. This is not a title I’m accustomed to. Boss of my kids, yes, boss of my sisters when I was young, yes, but a REAL BOSS…of like….gulp…..adults? 
But am I really? I can give timelines of when things need done. I can sign hourly timesheets to allow people to get paid, and I can check lesson plans and assign students to classes, but I cannot really control anything. The devil tries to distract me with his lies that I maybe can’t do it, maybe it is too much, maybe we won’t have enough kids, maybe maybe maybe. Luckily, I know my God is bigger than him and that He has already won the battle. So all of my hours of worrying if we’ve bought enough sanitizers, if we are doing the check in procedure correctly, if our enrollment will go up, all of the worries are for nothing because there is only one boss, and HE is in control.
So after I’ve done all I can do to make sure the i’s are dotted and the t’s are crossed and put in the hours to be sure that parents are called and students are placed and emails are answered it comes down to trusting the real BOSS. It comes down to trusting that HE provided the avenue and the blessing of this job, and that HE will provide me with the wisdom to lead. I only have to ask and meditate on His word, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding; in all ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight”. 
So as a boss the best thing I can do is spend my time each day and sometimes each moment thanking Him for the blessing of this school, all who play a part, and the incredible privilege of sharing these little ones’ lives with these families who have trusted us. I can Pray asking Him for the strength and wisdom to guide the school and then TRUSTING him to make our paths straight. And in trusting Him I do not have to know all the answers or even act like I do because I have the ultimate BOSS.

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