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In The Moments

By Tina Yerkes
God Moments, like our current sermon series, are such an interesting concept to think about. We can usually pinpoint some random things that happen and wonder, “Is God trying to send me a message?” God has been working in His moments for thousands and thousands of years and continues to this day. In the Old Testament, God used angels (Dan. 8:15), a burning bush (Ex. 3:4), a cloud like a pillar (Ex. 13:21), dreams & visions (Num. 12:6), fire (Deut. 5:25), handwriting on the wall (Dan. 5:5) to name just a few. God was in that burning bush and Moses recognized His voice. I am certain that if I came across a burning bush or a hand writing on a wall with no one attached to it, my attention would be fully on alert. It would stop me in my tracks and I would have a very detailed story to share with anyone who might listen to me. 
And in the New Testament, God gives us a helper who also speaks into and works in our lives, the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is also always present in our lives and always ready to direct our paths.
If you have ever purchased a new car, and it is exactly the car you wanted, you never saw anything like it before in the color and trims that you selected. Then you drive it off the lot, head down the road and suddenly, you see the same exact car in the same exact color with the same exact trim. That car model has been sold hundreds of times, has always been there but our eyes were not open to seeing it. 
God is in YOUR moments. He is in those moments of amazement. He is in the tasks on our daily To Do lists. He is in the deep parts of your toughest days. He is present & working in our lives and we need to open our eyes. 
Today, begin that process. Take a step back from what you are going through, breathe, re-examine, pray & talk to someone who can give perspective. I have a feeling that you will begin to see more God Moments than that fancy, shiny new car. And if you have questions about how God speaks or works in your life, talk to someone on staff. I can also recommend a great study book that I was a part of in the winter, Discerning the Voice of God by Priscilla Shirer. We are here for you. We are here to pray with you and listen. 
"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7

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